Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Lunch is Served

I had a fun morning gardening and planting things.  There is something so rewarding about having your hands in the dirt.  I have more to do, but succumbed to allergies after lunch and went down for a very long nap.  

While I was out in the garden, I was watching the robins picking worms and grubs from the lawn and decided to grab my camera and take a few shots.  I was somewhat surprised to see that he had several worms and a very large grub in his beak so I am wondering if they already have nestlings or if he's feeding mama on the nest.  Either way, these are the signs of spring that I love.  

It's hard to believe that I was just recovering from surgery for breast cancer 3 years ago, and that the world was still reeling from Covid.  I love that Blip has given me a way to keep a record of all the things in my life, large and small.  

Dark with almonds today.


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