Wakey Wakey
There is nothing like a noisy ringtone to wake up to in the afternoon, a couple of hours earlier than intended...grrr.
Youngest was out, anxious and needed an ear to bend for half an hour until she felt more comfortable. Happy to oblige & I got a hug later in thanks :-)
So the remaining hours before work, some washing was hung on the rotary line, another load was put in the washer, the dishwasher unloaded and a vegan lasagne knocked up for eldest & your Gals tea. She is the vegan but I quite enjoy some of what she likes.
And with a by then with a frazzled brain & a Nightshift to work, commuting on Biscuit seemed like a good idea. Nothing like wind the hair (or face maybe with a helmet on) to liven one up a little. The ride home in the morning will be taken very steadily.
Apparently a Roe Deer was spotted in next doors garden last night. Wonder if it was this one?
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