Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Blood pressure time

This young lady is Trini. Very nice and good at interrupting ones sleep. Writing on Sunday for Saturday. Most of the stomach pain has let up (yay morphine) and the NG tube was removed. I was allowed some soft food … if you consider chicken broth and plain yogurt a meal. Better than the nothing burger since Wednesday.

I’ve developed either pneumonia or bronchitis and now I’m having difficulty breathing. I’ve been having treatments from respiratory therapy and now I’m going to have a new type of breathing something that replaces the regular oxygen. I tried it once before and it’s bulky and uncomfortable, but they said it seemed to help. They’ve got me on antibiotics and cortisone treatments besides the breathing stuff. I don’t know if they’ll send me home with those problems or not. We’ll see. It doesn’t look like it’s gonna be Sunday.

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