
By hazelh

Chil 25th anniversary gig

On the first Sunday in May 1999 our friend Jack's band played its first gig. We weren't there - we didn't know Jack then - but we have been at many of their gigs since he and Katharine got together. 

This afternoon we were amongst the invited guests at the Chil 25th anniversary gig at the Voodoo Rooms. I took this photograph from our table at the front, specially reserved for Mummy hazelh and her two carers. Bruce, Elly and Katharine sat in the row behind us. All but Mummy hazelh danced. Mr hazelh did a fabulous job co-ordinating transport and parking for the three of us.

My blip shows the band on stage with one of the photographs from their previous gigs displayed behind them. (In one of the others there was a shot of Mr hazelh dancing - with a mystery woman!!!)

Earlier in the day we enjoyed a FaceTime chat with Liz and Tony, mainly to update them on my recent health problems. Then, while Mr hazelh programmed, I gardened.

Neck news: once again, I woke up in pain at 2:00am and dealt with it with two paracetamol. It has hurt all day, but not so much that I have felt the need to dose myself any further. I am going to return to exercise tomorrow - hurrah!

Exercise today: gardening and dancing.

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