Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


It's Independence Day in the United States and I thought that this would be a great image for the day. This is one of this year's Hummingbird Kids, recently fledged and fighting for dominance at the feeders.

Anni, Matt and I spent several hours this morning at the Bistro taking hundreds of shots of hummers, jays, dragons and a few damsels ... all without ever leaving our backyard. It was with a bit of sadness that we bid Matt farewell early this afternoon, as he headed back to the DC area. Anni and I hung out on the patio all day, visiting and taking shots of the birds and creatures. It's Anni's last day here and tomorrow I will be very sad say goodbye to her tomorrow - it has been a visit filled with Little Moments.

Hubs made us a wonderful dinner tonight - burgers, sausages, grilled veggies, corn and all the "fixins". A proper 4th of July meal celebrated with our friend from the UK.

I'll be back around tomorrow to catch up with everyone - please bear with my lack of commenting the past few days!


PS - this image is cropped, but otherwise untouched. Sometimes you just can't improve upon what nature puts in front of the lens... And just wait until you see Anni has to show you today!!! (As of the moment I wrote this, she hasn't yet blipped, so be sure you check back to see her July 4 blip)

PPS: Spoiler alert!!! While I was inside blipping, Anni and my Hubs saw a black bear meander through the backyard - the word "excited" doesn't begin to cover Anni's reaction!

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