
By Rosemarie55

Birthday Candle!

15°C  -  5 mph ESE Wind Speed  -  7 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Slept a lot today after yesterday's birthday fun!  The candle has a significant meaning because it is the first and only Birthday Candle I have ever had  -  they just have never been part of our family's culture.  There may be a reason behind that  -  when I was a child we lived in the country lit by paraffin lamps and candles.  The at the beginning of WW2 candles and paraffin was in short supply and certainly not used for frivolities like Birthday candles☻☻ You can imagine the hilarity when the Chef arrived with this single candle on a Cheesecake  -  everyone in the Restaurant joined in with with cheers and clapping  -  such fun.  Then I couldn't summon up enough breath to blow the flame out so Fiona had to do for me!  Of course, I've eaten the Cheesecake so I've mounted the Candle on one of my Black Magic sweeties  -  it'll now get stored away in my drawer of memorability☻☻ You can read about the impact of the war on candles HERE if you're interested!  I would like to thank all my Blipfriends for their lovely Happy Birthday comments, hearts and stars yesterday  -  they filled my heart with joy!

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