Burnt-Tip Orchid, another wet one!
Our village of Antagnes, is known for its orchids and butterflies but you need to know where they are. The official sites owned and protected by Pronatura, are found here: https://www.pronatura-vd.ch/fr/reserve-naturelle-les-prairies-fleuries-dantagnes. However I do know several sites which are not owned by Pronatura just behind our house. So on a very foggy and wet day at this time of year I am lucky not to have to go far for a blip.
Yesterday’s Swallowtail was on one of those sites as are today’s Burnt-Tip orchids. After flowering each seed capsule can contain up to 4000 tiny seeds that can be dispersed hundreds of kilometres like dust in the wind. Sadly these beautiful orchids are now endangered in Britain where they used to be common due to changes in agricultural practices and habitat destruction by building and quarrying.
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