The weather was dull most of the day until, as forecast, the sky cleared in the early evening. Having been indoors working all day, I went out to stretch my legs, walking out to the park (pictured) and then back through the centre of Klaksvík.
I'd woken to a reply from the HiGHS user whose issue I'd been working on yesterday - he's in Australia - explaining the mystery that had been beyond my C programming knowledge. Having completed the fix for that issue, I read through the funding proposal one last time, and submitted it. Then, after moderating a colleague's exam and booking a venue for the workshop dinner - thanks for the recommendation, ArcLight - it was back to more programming. That was brought to a halt towards the end of the afternoon when I received the email to tell me that my exam was ready for marking. After setting up the rubric for the first question, I began. It takes forever to mark the first few attempts, as you tune in to what students have tried to do. The first three were disappointing, and not due to the error in the question, but simply because they were analysing the wrong problem. I wondered whether the question was fundamentally too hard, but the fourth student got 25/30. Now I must continue.
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