Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It’s chocolate …

but not as we know it.

After yesterday‘s party we were both feeling exhausted and a little bit under the weather.

We had a proper lie in until nearly noon and really did very little rest of the day except tidying the house and going for a short walk. It being a wet bank holiday we decided to watch an old black-and-white movie from 1942 with David Niven and Leslie Howard. Despite the cliches and the feel of the time it was an enjoyable film, and very moody.

We hadn’t asked for or expected presents yesterday, but people were very generous and bought us all manner of flowers, plants and other gifts. This was one of our favourites which really is too good to eat. I’m sure we’ll find it in us at some point ‘though.

Apparently we have a week of dry and even sunny weather ahead which will be great. Like everyone else we are so bored with the rain.

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