number of the beast

666....a devil of a day as well..was completely hamstrung by my "team mate" in the yard today..lets get it straight ,,i like bill .. but ... deserting his post during the most busiest part of day leaving me to do both sides of the yard p@@@@@ me off and was inexcusable. Left me seething ..still that was yesterday .. friday morning and i have a long weekend ahead , makes up for the pain of yesterday.
The girls are moving into the final couple of weeks of the girls time in the infants.. and have to say its been emotional...i will be glad to turn the page, we have seen all sides of everything in these three years, good ,bad and indifferent..doing shift work has allowed me to spend a fair bit of time taking the girls to school and picking them up again, and i have to say , damn , the politics that go with kids and parents , mostly mothers i has to said make the UN look like a tranquil place. Ive met some really good people and have seen selfless women doing voluntary work for the good of the school and the kids. On the flipside there have been totally selfish acts that beggers belief,confession time here.. one of those was mine to claim, and dont i feel shame faced and foolish bout that .. but moving on....glossing over that .. coughs in hand.. were ready to put infants in the confines of history,, they ve enjoyed their time there..made lots of friends , still miss the ones that have fallen by the wayside,, learnt lots ,done lots ..and that just us the parents,, and what have we learnt.. errrrr. seem to be none the wiser, riddled with indecision on how to view and place relationships with people, seemingly saying hello to some is an invitation to abuse a kindness whilst others cover their good nature and require time to grow into a good friendship. Telling which from which is the hard bit.

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