Determined to be less useless today, so didn’t lie in too late and got the beds stripped and bedding washed, then started getting my packing together for Siena and for the following week when I’ll be looking after AR and Mx at their place.
Nipped to the bank and the shoe repair place and did some more holiday planning and thinking, then after some toast and pate I headed off to the beach at Porty for a good fast walk along the prom and back before picking up some food supplies for the homeswap people. It was pretty cloudy but not too cold and it was good to get some fresh air.
Home and did the ironing and made beds up then had some texts back and forth with A&N, in Glasgow for a gig. Although I’d been going to use a photo from the beach I really liked this one of her facing all the food they’d ordered to stoke themselves up before the gig.
Read some papers for a meeting tomorrow but didn’t do much else this evening
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