
By AuntieP


We are finally here in the USA to visit with son and dil and meet up with our newest granddaughter.
Son A planted this banking with wild flowers and it looks wonderful. I like the magnolia in the centre, it looks like a Christmas tree!
A long day travelling but everything went so well. Left home at 6 to get to Manchester airport. The roads were much quieter than usual because of the bank holiday. Check in was also quick and quiet and we’d got fast track through security as well. Also managed to get into the lounge and use our free passes. The flight arrived in Atlanta on time, our bags were the first off the carousel. Immigration was the best we’ve ever known it and we were through much quicker than expected, so much so that A hadn’t arrived.  He could then pick us up at the pick up point, Olivia was fast asleep in the car and was quite surprised to find Granny and Gaga in the car when she woke up!

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