Talking of Fergie...
A few days ago, fellow Blipper, Torag, posted an image of a beautifully restored Massey Ferguson tractor. It jogged my memory.
My aunt and uncle, cousin Crispin25's parents, had a farm in the Cradock district of South Africa back in the 1950s. Every winter school vacation, my family would set off for the farm so that the two sisters - our respective mothers - could have time together.
This old slide, taken by my Dad with his vademecum 1939-vintage Leica II, dates from about 1956 or '57. There are my two older brothers, having the time of their lives, surrounded by some of the farm workers and their kids. And there, pulling them all along is the little grey Massey Ferguson.
In those days, motor vehicles were registered in each town, designated by a letter code to denote the province and then the town. Thus, the Fergie was the 1729th vehicle registered in the town of Cradock in the Cape Province.
A note on the image: I scanned the original slide, and then cleaned the dust and scratches pixel by pixel. Then I fed the file through a Topaz software program which uses AI to extrapolate the information that's there, and enhance it. The color dyes of the slide emulsion had shifted, taking on a reddish hue. Impossible to rectify. Apart from that, this image is a 100% improvement over the raw scan.
A note on the image's context: it was taken in 1950s Apartheid South Africa. Farm workers were at the mercy of their employers: some were treated better than others. I have understood from cousin Crispin that his parents went out of their way to take care of the farm folk, providing them with medical care, and a regular distribution of food staples, as well as housing on the farm, and all that in addition to a salary. But as we gaze at this image with our 21st century race sensibilities, it may present an incongruous scene.
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