
By PorridgeWog

Morning wander (Day 3285)

Not one to let the grass grow under her feet, my beautiful wife was away off early for another day overseas so I took Sigyn for her morning wander. A good way to start the day. After breakfast, I zoomed off to Rendall to the en-suite re-fit. The plan for the day was to get the wet wall fitted, but I knew it would be a lot easier with the loo out of the way. Typically the loo was more difficult to remove than it should have been. There was a bit of plasterboard patching to do before I could get the wet wall on. I was more than a bit paranoid about cutting the wet wall and spent ages measuring, checking, measuring, making a template and checking some more before I plucked up the courage to do the cutting. The first, and more difficult sheet, fitted perfectly first time. After lunch, the second sheet went in a lot quicker and I was able to spend a bit of time working out my first fix for the basin.
Bits were needed so I zoomed to town, then had a look at a job before collecting HV and heading back to Mum's.

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