
By Hamp5on


Poor Asha's been in bed all day with high temp, earache, bad throat, headache... And although Nate is much better in himself he's developing new spots, you can just see some new ones on his neck. So thinking it must be chicken pox after all... He's been happy today as his glasses arrived, so I went to collect them. They're taking a bit of getting used to, he had double vision at first, but I think his brain will just need to readjust. Susanna and I took him down the Port for some fresh air...he loved photographing the many boats and yachts coming in and out. 
Susanna went to go out for the day in our car - but the electrics have totally gone!! Not sure what the problem is yet....hoping hoping it's a battery thing, we'll find out tomorrow. 
Good to have coffee with Brian this afternoon. he's my official supervisor for the chaplaincy course, so we had to tick the box that we'd met up and talked about my learning. Then tonight another 2 hour zoom. Again, very interesting to hear from everyone.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate's delight re the glasses.
2) Mitch coming to look at the car with Danny tonight.
3) Paracetamol for Asha.

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