Living my dream

By Mima

Us and our shadows

The sun is so low in the sky already, and there are six weeks still until the shortest day. This was taken at 2pm. 

Bean's shadow is monster dog.

My shadow is enlarged by my wool-lined waxed Barbour jacket which came out of the cupboard today for the first time this year. The weather was sunny but didn't get above 10C: it really feels as though winter has arrived. 

I bought the Barbour over 30 years ago and it has been in use almost every winter since (not for the years when I lived in Queensland). It has a few worn areas and a couple of small tears, but it still works to keep me warm and dry. They are certainly coats made to last, and I hope they still make them as durable.

It has been a day of cleaning and making the place presentable for guests arriving tomorrow.

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