
By Groggster

What's At Stake For A Corroded Butterfly

The lovely sunny weather from yesterday continued again today so we managed to get out for our last sparkling April early morning run.
At lunchtime we headed into town by bus (now that they seem to be sticking to the timetable) and my brother had a pint with me before I went off to meet a friend for lunch and he decided he wanted to take the scenic route home by walking back along the river path.
I have known my friend M for what must be nearly 20 years and we worked together until I was made redundant nearly four years ago. We still talk nearly every week over the phone but we hadn't met up in person since before the pandemic so it was so great to see him face to face.
We had a lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant called Wildwood and a fantastic time catching up, reminiscing about work - especially some of the characters that we used to come across - and just having a really good laugh. He's also recently been made redundant by the same company that we both used to work for and he's currently adjusting to being 'economically inactive'. The last couple of years have been quite tough for him at work and he said at the moment it's just a sense of relief that he's free from all the stress and he's going to take some time out to feel like he can breathe again. It was good to hear that he's in a better place and that he's going to have some time away from working. We're definitely going to try and meet up more regularly.
Once I got off the bus back from town I rang my brother to check he was at home but he said he was still on his walk along the riverbank and that he'd managed to capture a shot of a nesting swan that he wanted to shown me when he got in. As we had both had a good day I took a small detour back to the shops to get a bottle of Prosecco which we later imbibed catching up on watching a couple of episodes of Masterchef.
I then realised I'd almost completely forgotten to get an image and grabbed this rather corroded garden butterfly stake just before the light faded entirely and decided I actually quite liked it positioned against the grain of the dark garden fence and the seed heads. Emergency blip done!

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