
By ayearinthelife

On The Run

I’d been feeling incredibly lethargic for most of the day, but thought I ought to try and do something active before the afternoon was out. Having done a short 3K ten days ago - which was my first run in nearly twelve months - I reckoned I could probably attempt a bit of a longer distance this time.
Unfortunately, I forgot to strap my knee before setting off. Couldn’t be bothered going back to get the support (I was starting the run on the flat, well away from home) so I opted for a slower pace and the odd rest if I felt a twinge. I took this picture looking over the allotments, up towards the castle, on one of those short rests.
Pleasantly surprised to find I’d run (albeit slowly) just over 4.5K when I returned to my starting point. As I had to walk up the hill to get home anyway, I decided to keep recording and jog/briskly walk the last 0.5K so that I could say I’d actually done a 5K.
It’s the first time I’ve completed that distance without injuring myself in almost two years, so I’m feeling pretty chuffed. Next time I’ll try and run the entire 5K, and at a quicker pace. But I’ll definitely be strapping my knee up for that one - no point in tempting fate!

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