
By Mover

Finishing touches and prats

I had to leave the car in Exeter today to have a replacement windscreen fitted. While it was being done I walked from the workshop along the canal into Exeter, and spent the afternoon there. It was a glorious sunny day.
This boat is a new landing craft for freight for the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group. It has been built by Coastal Workboats here. It is called Gugh, the name of one of the small islands. When I came back it had gone. It was in contrast to the wooden wreck moored behind it (extra) . On the radio on the way home there was a discussion about insults and ones which are dying out, such as prat, and pillock, and some which are regional like pie can, which Jacqui calls me sometimes. My late bother had a dislike of all the prats ruining our lives, particularly government prats, and he used the word frequently, so it made me smile to remember the conversations we had on this subject. 
Jacqui was on Dartmoor, with the RSPB and the cuckoos.

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