Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Very red robin.
Very sunny day.
Very busy cleaning out the side alley shed.
Very hot (comparatively).

I am still suffering with this hayfever/cold thing. It is not very nice. Pretty much wiped me out in the afternoon. Very unpleasant.

Dylan’s visit to the vet was reassuring. No major problems. We did have a long wait, however, as they had another cat in as an emergency. Bitten by a snake, would you believe? I bet that’s not something vets see much of outside of very rural areas. And then not often. 

This led to a discussion as the sun went down between strider TSM and myself as to what was in a snakebite cocktail. The answer really is that it’s not a cocktail. It’s simply 50% lager and 50% cider. Apparently a lot of pubs in the UK refused to serve it because it is the drink of people who want to get drunk very quickly and very cheaply. The objection is that this kind of clientele will have you mopping the floors before the end of the evening. And put off your more respectable customers…

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