Planko's Pics

By planko

Holiday hairdos

Our summer holiday is very close so before starting work this morning it was off (very early) to Colin's in The Ferry to get a haircut for #1 Son & I, then arrived home to find Karen the hairdresser sorting out Caitlin & Mrs P's hairdos. Blip in the bag!

Currency purchased, US Dollar travel card loaded with more dollars. Filled up my camera bag with all my bits & pieces but as the bags starting weight is 3kg its too heavy as they are weighing the carryon bags and i'm only allowed 8kg :(

So, emptied work rucksack, put camera & lenses in their padded pouches and in that, and voila, just a smidge over 8kg :)
Have my messenger bag & filters etc packed with the clothes, so its all good.

Only reason we're flying with Thompson is because it's the first flight of the Dreamliner....hopefully.


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