Dragon's Blood anyone?
Onwards and southwards. Spent the morning in Dijon at a wonderful big park to let the kids have a bit of fun. Then on to Beaune where we ate, ice creamed and looked around the Hospices de Beaune, a 15th century hospital - which was still in use until the 70s I think. Really beautiful buildings: this shot is take in the apothecary, just to prove to all the naysayers that green tea really is good for you (we'll just gloss over it being right next to dragon's blood).
Lots of very annoying folk ignoring the unambiguous "No flash" signs so they can get a blurry, blue tinged shot of some 15th century tapestries. Grrrr.
Nice day though, finishing up in Valence, just south of the Hermitage wine area. Handy, eh?
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