The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Front Yard (Thursday 9th May 2024)

Several times over the years I have bought and planted Himalayan blue poppies (Meconopsis betonicifolia) and never had so much as a single flower. The last batch were bought a couple of years ago and put in one of the whisky tubs in the Front Yard. They survived but produced only leaves last year. I was therefore surprised and delighted to see this first flower that appeared this week (the reverse of the flower is in Extras), with more hopefully on the way.

Friday 10.5.2024 (1354 hr)

Blip #4083 (#3833 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #005
Blips/Extras In 2024 #067/266 + #022/100 Extras
Day #5158 (1268 gaps from 26.3.2010)
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day #3222 (#3062 + 160 in archived blips)

Taken with Panasonic/Leica DC-LX100M2 Micro 4/3rds

Flora series
Front Yard series
Macro series
Poppies series
Woodland Garden

Woodland Garden (May 2024) (Work in progress)
Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Beatles - One After 909 (recorded live, Apple Rooftop, 30 January 1969)
Watching the newly restored film Let It Be on Disney+ on Wednesday, a film I first saw in a cinema in Cannock, Staffordshire in 1970, I realised what a much better film had been made from the footage then than the bitty over-edited mess that Peter Jackson had made of it for his 468:00 three episode series The Beatles: Get Back, where not a single number was allowed to run through in full. I also noticed that the new surround mix for the film had made the front speakers do all the heavy lifting, with just some ambient noise from the rear pair.
This inspired me to dig out the Blu-ray of the album Let It Be, which I replayed (along with the Blu-ray Abbey Road album) the following night, which made far better use of the whole room. Although only three songs came from the rooftop concert, editing and cross-fading made it seem that most of it was.
One of these was a revival of One After 909, a Lennon/McCartney song that dated from Spring 1960 and which they first recorded for George Martin in March 1963, though it stayed in the can until the Anthology series in 1995. One could see the great enjoyment they got from recreating their early days and musical chops.

One year ago:
The Woodland Garden (Queen Of The Night Tulip)

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