Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


A bit of a drama unfolded in my garden today. I was chatting to the gardeners this morning, went to collect kids and came back to find one of them had walked off the job. Not entirely sure why, but the other guy wasn't happy and couldn't get hold of the first one or the boss.

Eventually he got hold of the boss who said he would come over and get his hands dirty himself to try to get the job done. We waited and waited, the 2nd guy trying to do as much as he could alone. Then he decided to go for a sandwich, and came back 20 mins later (it had of course crossed my mind that going for a sandwich at 3pm might be an excuse to vanish himself!)

I had been sitting in the garden, but went inside to check emails, looked out the window to see him driving off in the truck. He still hadn't returned an hour later, by which time I really was thinking he'd gone! I phoned hubby at work to see what on earth I should do, just as he appeared WITH the boss/owner!

Was all very exciting for little old me. During the absence, I went to investigate the cement mixer, only I got too close and got splashes all over me!!

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