The Freeze Brander....
A busy one today. Out early to get everything fed before Stevie turned up at 9.30 to PD cows. By mid day we had done 175 cows and heifers. 4 cows empty out of 145 so not too bad. 5 heifers out of 33 though. Only usually one at most. Can only think that the 2 days of TB testing in January upset things.
4 of them will be off to the mart on Monday.
A very quick lunch then the freeze brander turned up to do the 28 in calf heifers. This is done with cold irons which are chilled in dry ice and kills the pigment in the hair so it grows back white and leaves a permanent mark. This year the numbers all begin with the letter T.
( Photos courtesy of Littlemiss)
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