The flowers are coming

This was as I walked home today. I believe some sort of cherry.
We had a flash mob at school today. It was teacher appreciation week and we (the teachers) decided to surprise the kids at lunch. We had them clean up and told them it was a challenge to see which lines could sit down and be the quietest. Then we had the music teacher cue up James Brown's I Feel Good. Ha! We had practiced our moves and the kids were so surprised. We only did about a minute and then switched to several other really fun songs. The kids jumped up and were dancing with us. Some said in the hallway afterwards that the teachers could really bust a move... hahaha... It was really fun.
Tonight we have a chance here in Wyoming to see the northern lights. I'm going to take a nap and then we're going to head out of town a ways around 10 or so to see if we can see anything. 

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