Strike that. Reverse it!



Thankful for Friday. Was working from home today but had an unexpected visit from BT. We moved our phone and internet to them and was supposed to be transferred on Tuesday. The internet was fine in fact its fantastic but the phone has never been working. So Mr Fix it came out to sort it. He did get the phone working wohoooo but by doing this he broke the internet :( Of course he isnt the fibre optic fix it guy hes just Mr phone fix it. I have to say he was fantastic. At this point he could have said "its not my problem look your phones working" but no he perservered. He was here for almost 6 hours in the end. Said he wouldn't be leaving without it working, I think he may have seen the despair when he told me I no longer had internet. I wouldnt mind we don't even need the landline and never use it. I'm truly amazed at how great he was. I'd dreaded having to phone them again and log my problem. Anyhow its all working now and faith in BT restored for now.

Hope you've all had a lovely Friday and have a very lovely sunny weekend. xxx

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