
By Teasel


I was back in the office today, as I had re-scheduled a meeting that was cancelled last Thursday.  I couldn’t believe it when the colleague cancelled again – as he is still not well enough to come into the office.  He thinks he has had covid and is coughing, so best he didn’t come in and infect those of us who were in.  That is now re-scheduled again for Monday. 
Anyway a few other colleagues were in, and I had other in person meetings arranged.  I managed a quick walk at lunchtime, but was foiled at the first place I went for a sandwich, as they had none left. 
Overall it has been a short week due to the Monday holiday, but it has felt like a long week for some reason.  I think that is because I’ve never known what day of the week we have been on.  I haven’t felt like I have had a very productive week, but we have dealt with many left field requests.  Hopefully things will be back to normal next week.
We had some leftovers for tea – which I always think taste better the next day.  BB is not convinced of this.  Quite a bit later, I popped out some steps.
This is an emergency blip, taken as I went to catch my bus.  The fresh green leaves stood out well against the blue sky. Last Thursday my blip was inside Old Calton Burial Ground, which is behind the wall. 

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