Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Sugar, Butter, Flour

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I went to the cinema to see "Waitress: The Musical" with Briar. 

It was all Briar's fault. She has been educating me on the subject of musicals since last year. 

I should add that Briar has seen very few of these musicals. She just likes to listen to the OST on Spotify. This confuses me because I thought the whole experience was what it is was all about.


However, I must admit she has served me well. She sent me this song on a playlist last year. Written and performed by Sara Bareilles who I only knew from Love Song about 20 years ago, I thought that "Bad Idea" was a fun, saucy, bouncy number.

Her songs sort of remind me of Paul McCartney melodies as lyricised by Paul Simon. Which is not a bad combination.

So anyway, when I saw that the Broadway musical had been filmed onstage and was showing in cinemas here in Wellington, I had to tell Briar.

"I might cry," she warned me. 

Given the fact that you CANNOT TOUCH THE BRIAR* I was unsure what to do with this information.

"If you cry, should I pat you gently on the shoulder, or should I just wave?" I asked. 

"I'll try not to cry," she replied.

The musical was WAY more fun than I thought it would be. Like, genuinely funny. And all of the songs were great. People did do that Musical Theatre acting though - where they explain their feelings while looking out at the audience, but that doesn't bother me.

"God I f*cking hate that," said Caro. This is why she was not invited.

But I just loved it. Way better than "Wicked" but not as good as "Hamilton" because nothing is as good as "Hamilton". Briar also thought it was AMAZING.

But she did not cry. I waved goodbye to her though.


* Briar has a complete aversion to being touched. At all. By anyone. Ever. I'm sure I have mentioned this before but just in case, now you know. 

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