Night sky...
...with no Aurora Borealis. I missed the huge show on the night before and, with the forecast predicting another good show, I set the camera up to shoot by itself during the darkest hour of the night, but this is all I got. It's getting too light here, so the whole series was shot with two second exposure and ISO 200 to avoid overexposure in the bright part of the northern sky, while I would normally shoot Aurora at ISO 3200. I thought I could extract something out of the raw files, if there was anything, but there isn't.
Finished seeding the first oats field and got more than a half of the second one done before heading to my brother's for Mother's day coffee and cake. There was a bit of rain in the forecast at that time, but unfortunately it kept on raining past 7 pm, so no more field work, even though it wasn't much more than one millimetre. Jussi tilled the last stubble fields with the cultivator in the afternoon.
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