The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


One of those days! I’d arranged to pick one of my sisters up late morning so we could visit Mum in Cramlington. Neither of us was keen to travel that far so I suggested she rang the ward this morning to check she wasn’t being transferred today. I had coughed most of last night so when my alarm went this morning I switched it off and went back to sleep…consequently when S rang me I’d just woken up, but the good news was Mum was waiting to be transferred to Berwick. Yippee no need for a three hour round trip I could just nip to Berwick instead. Unfortunately the surgeon had other ideas and wants her transferred to an orthopaedic ward at North Tyneside (even further away!) but as they’d no beds she was still in Cramlington. This we didn’t find out until early evening as no one thought to let us know!

I got up slowly, showered and tidied upstairs before heading downstairs for a late brunch then I’ve spent the afternoon in the garden. I finally took a walk along the prom this evening where I got my blip.

Thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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