just be

By justbe

Brown on Brown

This is Papa northern house wren, house hunting. I thought they had settled on another house in the garden, but I noticed him peering in and then popping in and out of this very old house. Squirrels have enlarged the hole with toothy creativity in years past. One summer we watched a downey woodpecker bunk there each night. This house would not do, so, off he went checking out the other available real estate.

The Mrs. expects a lot from him and he seems to take the job seriously with much singing. He has a bubbly song and one would expect it was coming from the throat of a MUCH bigger bird. 

Male House Wrens typically defend more than one cavity, and may fill all of the nest boxes in the territory with twiggy "mock nests." Only one will be selected and used by the female.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, breezy and warm, just delightful.

All hands loving the weather.

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