I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 538 ...

... People shot.  Not.

This isn't exactly on theme for this Mono Monday.  But the sad truth of the matter is I much prefer birds (and all other animals) to most people ... but as davidc points out below with the exception of blippers!  Thanks Carolina for hosting Mono Monday this month.  Sorry to be off theme this week.

I was in my happy place this morning when I went out to be with the birds, squirrels and chipmunks.  And was so very happy to be able to photograph my first gray catbird of the season.  We had seen them before we left on holiday but only briefly ... and not well enough to get any photos.  These lovely birds have such character and attitude you can't help but love them.  

I'm a little disappointed though at not really seeing any hummingbirds yet.  We saw one on the security camera footage but I have not laid my eyes on one just yet.  Hopefully soon ...

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