
By TrishaR

Gondola Ride and Savica Waterfall

Breakfast sitting out on a beautiful terrace which overlooks the mountains. Consulted the map and book and decided to head along the road to get the gondola ride up the Vogel to the ski centre. Absolutely stunning scenery and the ride up the views just got better and better the higher you went. Mountains are still topped with snow making it even prettier. When at the top we had a coffee and then to the heart for the photo of the highest peak, the Volger in the background. We met an older couple who offered to take our pics . My baseball cap made him think I was American (Pittsburg Pirates) but I said I chose it as P is for my name Patricia lol! We had a great chat with them he was Del from Vancouver and she was Sylvia from New Hampshire originally California.

We headed on our way for a walk along the paths and then walked back to the restaurant and bumped into Del and Sylvia again and they asked to join us for some lunch of soup and bread. We got on very well with him. He was a criminal lawyer who retired at 77! She retired at 71 and they are now ‘spending their pension’ having long travels twice a year and next trip is to South Africa for a safari and touring.

We then met a guy who came over to our table saying ‘Go Pirates’ as he was an American married to a Slovenian lady. Another cHat with him. Then it was a guy from Scotland who heard our accents and came to speak and he told us that a year ago he stopped in Slovenia on his way back from India to pick up a motorbike which he drove back from India and never went home (Edinburgh). He bought a house in a town not far from where we were and has been there 1 year. The town threw him a party, the Mayor came and they paraded him through the streets and all had a big celebration. He later told us on the Gondola back down that he had a troubled childhood and ran away from home at 9, wasn’t sure that his mum and dad were his real parents he was put in a home but then had a passion for trains and a guy in the railway took him under his wing and this kept him on the straight and narrow and has travelled the world - 135 countries. I love stories from random people you meet in your travels.

We bid farewell to Sylvia and Del, exchanging e mails as have said to contact me whenever they come to Scotland and vice versa for us to NH.

Next up was a drive to have an uphill walk through a forest to the Savica waterfall. Stunning but cannot capture the beauty on a picture, again, well laid out paths and seats on the route.

I have no idea where we went after this as there have been so many and it’s almost one week ago. We went for some food and given that we have not had one bad meal the whole holiday it must have been good !

And also something else I know is that we would have been sleeping by 10 cos the bed is the comfiest and the pillows the best and the duvet the finest too as this chalet we staying in is fabulous as are the owners next door. I am absolutely whacked early it’s the mountain air!

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