Two's Company
Not a day for snapping, got soaked walking Indie, the waterproof trousers leaking on the side seams. Yukky!!
Made lunch for Mum & myself, using locally made sausages... no taste whatsoever. Disappointing.
The second support phonecall from Devon Carers, (first call while walking Indie in the rain), hubby been referred by Torbay hospital. We had a good chat, decided that physical support not needed, but personal alarm benificial for possible fall while I'm not home. Also had a chat about Mum which was useful.
No parking spaces available at the hospital so drove round a couple of times, then stopped in the carpaprk until a space became available. Still pouring with rain, & windy. Hubby far more mobile today. Doctor was with him when I arrived so able to join in conversation etc.Another conversation with pharmacist who told hubby what I'd been explaining to him for quite a while. BUT will he take any notice??
Got home feeling pretty whacked, so meds, glass of cider and evening sat in front of the telly ...
Richard Osman's HoG's. Always entertaining.
Marcus Waring in Provence. Nice bloke!
Countryfile on Catchup, featuring The Sharpham Trust on the river Dart, close to home, a beautiful area for walking. Interesting episode.
Fred Sierouix & Rachel Khoo in Austria. Loved it!
Popmaster Celebs very briefly ... No thank you!
Jamie Oliver - He's aged a bit since the last time I watched him on tv, but still passionate about his grub.
Thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday
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