Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

A present

I was going to leave photographing this until I got it framed, but I thought about it and its just too lovely not to share! It's from a wonderful OU friend and I really appreciate the kindness.

When I was a teenager I read a book written by Kate aide the news reporter called 'kindness of strangers' it's always stuck with me how total strangers can have such a massive impact on our lives.

Today has been a mostly good day. Only really shadowed by Asha having a fall out with some local children but not enough to stop her playing out just annoying. I have enjoyed the day and managed to eat my tea sitting out of bed which is the first time for some time that I have managed that.

Tonight was capped off with Asha singing slide and dancing around to scootch or what ever there called and a good chat to someone I consider a good friend on Facebook.

Slight sore throat tonight however and we have no idea where the echinacea is....

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