Thank God, it's over

Tonight I took Andrew to his last official engagement in Civic Week, a Thanksgiving Service at the harbour. He's had a great week, attending the school concert on Monday and a Women's Guild coffee evening (yes, really!) on Tuesday. The "royal party" also did a tour of the school, visiting every classroom. I think he's had fun. He got a couple of mementoes: the first is a nice little plaque. The second is bizarre, a model car exactly like the Trotters' van in "Only Fools & Horses" except it has a small clock on it.

Tonight's service was a bit dull, but there was a moment of humour when someone tried to drive 4 x 4 towing a boat on a trailer round a corner that was way too tight for it, just as we were all singing the hymn about "those in peril on the sea".

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