
We had a tight connection this morning at Portsmouth Harbour Station for a train down to Hedge End to see PY’s dad, whose birthday is today. This meant that, after our 10:45am departure, we ran through the Wightlink terminal to make our way up to the platform.

Just after 12 noon, we arrived at Hedge End station and then went to what turned out to be quite a posh garden centre. It had a lovely restaurant attached to the place where the plants, assorted garden, and household paraphernalia were kept. I opted for the burger, but everybody else opted for a brunch dish. I think I made the right choice, but I did have some food envy when PY’s plate of eggs, avocado, and bacon came out.

After lunch, we wandered the garden centre and the attached aquarium, where all sorts of fish are for sale. Ever since I used to keep tropical fish when I first moved to London, I’ve always enjoyed looking at places where they sell fish tanks and fish, partly in the hope that I might buy a tank again. This was an exceptionally well-maintained place with many beautiful tanks of healthy-looking fish. I don’t think the stingrays in the central tank are for sale.

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