
By LadyFindhorn

The Elephant in the Room

It’s not everyday one goes out foraging for rice cakes (I know, who knew these were worth foraging for) and comes upon an elephant sitting on the steps of McEwan Hall watching a game of outdoor Pickle Ball. Who knew there was even a game called Pickle Ball? This is Mental Health Awareness Week and the University’s contribution is to  have this activity on the agenda in the area between theMcEwan Hall and the Student Union. I was invited to join in the game but declined gracefully on the grounds of age rather than the fact that I’ve never been able to hit anything coming towards me in the air.

Edinburgh languishes today in mist under gloomy thundery skies with the addition of a random scattering of light rain from time to time and  it hasn’t escaped my notice that Stromness is enjoying another day of sunshine. I have noticed that of late, the north of Scotland has escaped much of the rainy miserable weather which has afflicted the central belt. It’s certainly not a day for sitting outside here……. although anyone fancying a game of Pickle Ball just needs to make their way to outside the McEwan Hall. 
I on the other hand have chosen to have a coffee in Söderberg with a friend from University having a late lunch. In retrospect definitely the better choice with the rain setting in for the foreseeable.

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