A day in the life

By Shelling

Grass and repot

The grass is growing very fast and it's time again to cut it to give light and space for the "Meadow-flowers" seeds I sprinkled last autumn. Again, cutting the grass is a multi hour job, especially since the mower is really old, doesn't have a helping force in driving it forward and cuts really unevenly. It is what it is, I can't do anything unless I buy a new lawnmower and that's a bit off budget at the moment.

After lunch I started looking at my geraniums that came out for the summer a week or so ago. Most of them needs trimming and many needs a new, bigger pot. It's a kind of nice job but it takes a long time. After three-four hours I felt I could leave it for now, they need to get used to the new soil and to the outdoor climate for a while. In a week I can perhaps do a second trimming. I'm a tired man this evening. 

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