
By JackyMT


These plants turn up in odd places in my front garden, usually red but this one is quite pretty and not seen before, I do not plant them, unfortunately it's growing in front of the garage door along with the forget me nots which I don't plant either they just appear. Good job we rarely use the garage for the car as it's too full of other things.

This morning started with torrential rain so we did a Tesco shop and by the time we came out it was just drizzling so we took Tanzy a walk. I decided today would be cleaning day because I had rather let it go with the nice weather and had concentrated on garden and greenhouse stuff. So had a good vac and dust round. It has drizzled on and off all day.
Rain forecast for tomorrow, so may give the kitchen a good tidy up. Or my bedroom I need to sort out the wardrobe.

Looks like rain on and off most of the week so no gardening.

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