
By MovableParts

Shaman's Stones

Several years ago.....
I held out my hand to show my Native American acupuncturist these stones.  I had a feeling they were special and I wanted to share my find with her.
~ Where exactly were you when you found these, she queried?
~ I was hiking on a mountain near _____________.
~ What took you there?
~ I was driving in the back country and suddenly felt a strong urge to get out and explore. I pulled off the road into a meadow, parked the car, and left a note on the dash with the date and time, stating I was a day hiker (just in case, you know). 
I hiked a long time before I crested a ridge, saw an amazing hoodoo, and found these (and many more) round stones scattered about. I had never seen such a place. Naturally, I had to take a few stones home with me.

~ You have found a place my people consider very powerful.  These are called "shaman stones" and we use them in ceremonies. The fact that you were drawn to this place is amazing. 

She went on to say more, the rest of which she asked me not to share.  She also asked me not to reveal where they had been found as this was considered a sacred mountain. 

Thank you Incredibish for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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