
By AlwaysLast

Why I am here

My boys that are responsible for my being immersed in a rather bizarre universe of devotion to The Game known as Pokemon. My oldest, Sam, has been coaching & training my youngest for the last 6 months to get him to this point. Almost 300 kids under the age of 11 "battling" to reach the Top Cut lineup of 128. If you do, you get to move on to the single elimination round to see who the U. S. champion is going to be. I've met other parents from Maryland, Baton Rouge and Indy. One thing we all have in common is to see our kids have a positive experience and grow in their ability to handle good AND bad experiences.
So far, my youngest has three wins and three losses so he won't be anywhere near either the top or bottom but he has played against some of the best players in the country and made a good accounting of himself. Not bad for only starting 6 months ago!
It has been a large commitment of time and money but hopefully a memory he treasures for the rest of his life.
Now off to sleep so we can start again at 8am tomorrow ...

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