horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Popped to a Vintage and Antiques fair, then an antiques centre, over the middle of the day, and came home with a 50s light meter. Some of the numbers are a little rubbed off, but you can roughly work out (and I might add some paint dots on key numbers). Gave it a whirl on a walk up the track to see if it would give me the results I’m after off the old King Penguin (and will be even more use when I run a roll through the old Kodak 3A, as that as more f stop variation, and different shutter speeds).

Also got a Shirley Bassey 78, which was in a box marked as ‘excellent condition’. Stuck it on the gramophone and it was appalling! Could make out it was Shirley, but that was about it. Makes me worry for the quality of the box that was noted as ‘Well used’, with some marked as free, to be taken if you bought any of the others.

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