
By MumOf4Wildlings


The place where I'm standing inside the climbing frame has all been filled. Well except one screw. There was one missing.  Not what was needed for sure. But what a difference using a drill made. We finished the side that blip saw the other day, and started the phase for another side. And hopefully my work friends husband has the right size screw we need. 

As you can see from the Jedi's legs, he had another fall off the bike at nursery.  He got stuck underneath it and was upset. But the staff cleaned him up. He keeps saying " they saved me, I need to say thank you ". 

The 3 big ones had the dentist.  All is good. The jedi goes into the room but won't go on the seat. We're building up to it. He has a appointment in July. 

We're not long home and I've loads to do before we fetch Mr R.  I'll go for a jog once the wildlings are in bed. I'm surprised that my shins are still sore. We will see how I get on. 

Catch up when I can . Thanks for understanding 

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