secret garden

By freespiral

It's a jungle ...

... out there. A riot of pink rhododendrons, orange azaleas, yellow flags and a lot of green!
It's also very noisy - the dawn chorus is mad at the moment. First up this morning at some ungodly hour was the blackbird, followed by the cuckoo and the song thrush then a medley of robin, wren ( loud) and black cap( flouncy).
I'm off to the book cub now and somewhere I haven't been before and it sounds remote - she's hanging a pink scarf on a bush for identification purposes. If there's no sign of me tomorrow send out a search party - somewhere north of Dunbeacon.

Thursday: Just to let you know I've arrived home but am now off to North Kerry again - it being St Brendan's Day, yes a well is involved. The forecast for Cork (Bruce Springsteen is playing tonight!) is dire with thunderstorms and hail but Kerry might escape. The book club venue was in the most delightful place - a small wooden house adrift in a meadow full of orchids. I spotted the scarf. Bliss. 

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