A Day In The Life

By Irish59

I See You

I was leaning against the car in the driveway about to go in when I saw a bird in the distance drop to the grass then fly back up onto a branch. I extended my lens as far as it would go and glimpsed blue. I’ve cropped it a bit but as you can see it’s an Indigo Bunting! He visited the finch feeder a couple of days ago. I’m pleased he’s still in the neighborhood • We unexpectedly took Ducky to the vet’s this morning. He suffers from spring allergies and got much worse over the past two days. Our vet said an appointment would take 2-3 weeks BUT if we could get him there in 30 minutes she would squeeze him in • She confirmed he had an upper respiratory infection and had a slight temperature; he received a shot of antibiotics plus we’ll give him liquid antibiotics twice a day for the next week. Dr. Penny predicted he would feel much better within 24-48 hours • Poor Baby! • Take good care, everyone!

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