There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Quiet Riot of Pink Columbine

It was a travel day, and the rain mostly held off, which was good. My husband and I traveled to Martinsburg and back to celebrate birthday and Mother's Day with my mother-in-law, in Homewood. 

We went with gifts in hand. Among them was a photo of mine (the color version of this shot) that she had admired in a recent picture book I gave her, and I enlarged, printed, and framed a copy for her, as she'd been threatening to cut the picture out of the book!

She made a very nice salad and we ordered delivery from a local pizza joint called Small Town Pizza. The pepperoni pizza was good, and the stromboli (size medium) was the biggest one I've ever seen. And I have worked in a pizza shop! I'd be afraid to order a large!

But before all of that, I was out in our yard, checking out all of what's flowering now. I discovered a stand of pink columbine, blooming its heart out, in our woods. There is much to love about Aquilegia, including its amazing colors and shapes. So here is a shot of the quiet riot of pink columbine at our home.

My soundtrack song is Quiet Riot, with The Wild and The Young.

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