Wendy's World

By Wendles56


I had several plans for blips today and forgot about all of them as I went from job to job, so what to blip?  When we were last in Oxford, Becky gave me a stack of books to come away with.  I took 'In Ascension' on holiday and very much enjoyed the style and originality of this intelligent sci-fi story wound around present day issues.  The Stephen Fry book (a local Stephen Fry, not THE Stephen Fry) I bought at Parkrun.  Stephen came along and offered a copy of his book about his run from Lands End to John O Groats as a spot prize.  

At the moment I am nearing the end of 'Hagstone' which I purchased in Sligo as I wanted to read a novel by an Irish writer.  I fear it may not be a happy ever after ending but I have enjoyed this story of a young artist on her home island, complex relationships, a commune of women and an unwelcome movie star visitor.  It is much better than my description!  I will get to the others in due course.

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