White Helleborine
A few specimens of this pretty, wild, orchid are growing under Turkish hazel trees at the end of our close, beside a busy road. Thousands of people must pass them daily, but I doubt many know they are there.
Although nationally rare, the White helleborine is actually not uncommon around here, usually being found under beech trees and on chalk /limestone soils.
I had a good lunch at the Old Forge pub with my friend C. We had hoped to have a walk afterwards but it rained, and the ground by the river is still very muddy, she reported, so C went home and I visited a local garden centre to acquire a couple more plants, and do some research on hedging plants which might be suitable for the end of our road.
Later, Martin and I did go for a walk, to our local wildlife area, and we were amazed at how much everything has grown there in the past few weeks. The rain and then the recent sun have provided the perfect growing conditions. (see extra)
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